So, you understand what an Ideal Team Player is, you’ve identified where you sit in the diagram, and you've learnt about increasing Humility and Hunger. If you've been hanging out waiting for this post on Smart, go you for sticking with me each week. Becoming “smarter” about people isn’t quite as sensitive as humility and may not be has hard as hunger, but it is still a challenge. The good thing here is that if you are lacking in this area, I know you want to improve. I like to think I’m pretty tapped in to my "smart" which is how I know that you don't want the chit chat, you just
Archives for July 2021
Make Me Hungry!
So, you understand what an Ideal Team Player is, you’ve identified where you sit in the diagram and you've learnt about how to improve Humble. No small talk, let's dive straight in. I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The good news is that Hunger is the least sensitive and nuanced of the three virtues (woo!). The bad news is that it’s the hardest to change. But! You’re here, so that’s already a win. Increasing Hunger isn’t just about increasing output, it’s about actually transforming yourself so that you can embody the idea of going above and beyond, without needing