Let’s get to the point.
Feedback is one of the most important roles of a manager.
Regular, timely, consistent feedback is so crucial for so many reasons.
Yet, many of us struggle to do it.
It may be because people often only ever get negative feedback so as soon as they smell it coming they instantly put their walls up, or it may be because you just hate having to do it.
Feedback doesn’t have to be this big icky thing, it can just be a conversation, and if you’ve created the right foundations and you approach the conversation in the right way, it can actually be a really positive experience for all involved… or it could be a horrible one. It all depends on you.
– Only give feedback when it’s negative (or “constructive”)
– Store and dump (see above – regular, timely, consistent!)
– Fluff around the issue (clear is kind, unclear is unkind)
– Yell, scream or get emotional
– Make it personal
– Wing it / do it on the fly
– Say “but” (anything after a but is never good- “I’m not sexist, but…”)
– Use the invisible army (“we all think…”)
– Let your own discomfort get in the way of a meaningful conversation
– Be direct
– Be honest
– Be timely
– Prepare and practice
– Be specific & use examples
– Focus on the facts
– Be calm
– Allow the team member to steer the conversation
– Ask open questions
What else would you add to those lists?
PS, if you want to learn how to give really good feedback, our Effective Manager Program can help with that.