How often do you eat the frog?
Personally, I’ve never been adventurous enough to try cuisses de grenouille (frogs legs for those who failed primary school French classes like me), but I’m about to introduce you to a different type of frog that you’re definitely going to want to eat.
Imagine if every day you had to get up and eat a live frog.
Gross, I know, but it’s probably the worst thing you’d have to do that day.
Imagine now, if instead of eating that frog right away, you did every other thing on your list, and that frog just sat there, all day, looking at you, with those big, slimy eyes.
How productive can you really be when you know you still have a big ugly frog to eat?
Or worse, when you don’t eat that frog and the next day you have to eat two or three!
Your frog is the biggest, ugliest thing on your to-do list each day.
If you get up every morning and just eat the frog, the rest of your day will feel so much easier, and you’ll be more productive because this big ugly task isn’t weighing on you.
Sometimes your frog isn’t something hard to do, but it’s something you really don’t want to do, like have a difficult conversation.
Other times your frog is hard, and it’s going to hurt, but damn you’ll feel good once it’s ticked off and you can go about the rest of your day knowing it’s done.
The day always feels easier when you’ve accomplished something big or hard upfront.
We often fall into the trap of thinking it’s best to clear all the quick easy tasks on our to-do list to make space for the frog – get some quick wins on the board to get us rolling.
I get it, it’s a tempting notion, but it’s a lie we tell ourselves.
We’re almost always better to just get it over and done with; rip the band-aid.
Because how many times have we said that we’re “clearing space” to tackle our frog and then we never get to it?
It’s amazing how many unexpected things will pop up when we’re trying to avoid doing something we don’t want to do.
This simple, effective prioritisation technique will help you get $#!T done and put you in control of your time.
So, are you going to eat the frog today?
Want to learn more prioritisation and time management methods?
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