Is this you when you think about delegating a task on to someone you manage?
I get it, it usually is easier if you just do it yourself, and let’s be honest, you probably feel like you’ll do a better job at it anyway, am I right?
But what if you always do it yourself… is that easier?
What about all of those little “it’s easier if I do it myself”s that add up throughout the day?
Is it still easier then?
If you always hold on to tasks then you’re always going to have to do them.
When you don’t delegate you’re also taking opportunities away from your team. The opportunity to grow and develop, and the opportunity to show you that they’re capable.
It’s not that it’s easier if you do it yourself, it’s that delegation is hard.
We’re never really taught how to delegate, so how can we be expected to do it effectively?
Delegation is a universal expectation of managers but it’s something that nearly every manager struggles with… until they’re taught how.
Have you ever been taught how?
Our Effective Manager Program doesn’t just teach you how to effectively delegate, it teaches you how to tailor your delegation to the different personalities of the people you manage!
How good does that sound?
Click here now to check out our Effective Manager Program.