Conventional wisdom teaches us that if we want to improve, we must work on our weaknesses. Think back to your school days when your parents found you a tutor if you were struggling at English or Math. We are so focused on fixing our weaknesses that we don’t often think about increasing our strengths. Enter Donald O Clifton. Dubbed the father of Strengths Based Psychology, he developed the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment (clearly he was high Significance), an online assessment that identifies the talents in which an individual has the greatest potential for turning into strengths. Now
What’s your Tribe’s Vibe?
So I guess Human Tribe’s “Build Your Tribe” model has been a long time in the making. When it was school holidays, unlike other kids who went on family holidays or to school holiday camps, I was at my Mum and Dad’s business earning pocket money by entering serial numbers. Upon reflection this could have technically be considered child slave labour but I actually loved it, I felt like an important part of the family business (well that and I got to spend my $5 per day on treats at the shop that Mum never normally bought). In my early teens, I started to use this time spent working in Mum